Tuesday, 31 December 2013


Well I'd planned to do the obligatory 2013 Round Up Post, but after looking through my photos I realised I didn't achieve much in 2013. Don't get me wrong, it was a busy year, it's just that it seems like I spent most of it helping others achieve things. It was a year of change with my hubby's business becoming extremely busy, my eldest began high school, my youngest started full time school & my middle child had to deal with not only these changes but also the start of recognising that she is different to her friends (my daughter is autistic).

I started to feel quite sad that I hadn't achieved much for myself when I have friends that have started businesses, gone back to college, started new careers. But then I thought of the people that matter the most to me, my husband & my girls. I hope that if they look back on this year, of the ups & downs, of the challenges they overcame, I hope that they felt that I was there for them, that I hugged them when they were sad, picked them up when they fell, made them smile, encouraged them, celebrated their successes & loved them.

So 2013 was a year helping others achieve their goals.

2014 is going to be My Year. (Well, I will still be there 100% for my family, but I'm not going to feel guilty anymore for taking time to do stuff for me).

I'm now going to spend the last few hours of 2013, planning on what I want to do/achieve/experience in 2014.

I hope that wherever you are, you are having a fantastic time celebrating the New Year & that 2014 brings you everything you wish for.


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